Posted by : Unknown 8 tháng 11, 2013

1. John ................... reading. (not, like)

2. ................... any of you ................... sports regularly? (play)
3. I rarely ................... newspapers. (read)
4. Yesterday I ................... you talking to a stranger. (see)
5. Tonight we ................... to the opera. (go)
6. Right now he ................... on the phone. (talk).
7. You are late, the lesson ................... fifteen minutes ago. (start)
Test z gramatyki - Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous,Present Perfect i Future Simple
Test obejmuje czasy Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present
Perfect i Future Simple.
1. John ................... reading. (not, like) doesn’t like
2. ................... any of you ................... sports regularly? (play) Does_play
3. I rarely ................... newspapers. (read) read
4. Yesterday I ................... you talking to a stranger. (see) saw
5. Tonight we ................... to the opera. (go) are going
6. Right now he ................... on the phone. (talk).
7. You are late, the lesson ................... fifteen minutes ago. (start)
8. When ................... the Beatles ................... their first album? (record)
9. On Friday I ................... to the boss about a rise. (talk)
10. These days we ................... a lot. (work)
11. My father ................... maths at a secondary school. (teach)
12. I ................... any book now. (not, read)
13. ................... you ................... anything yesterday? (buy)
14. When I ................... (go) home, I ................... (meet) John.
15. At this moment he should ................... his final exam. (write)
16. Jane ................... to Washington tomorrow. (fly)
17. Don't disturb me while I ................... (work).
18. Holidays ................... last Friday. (begin)
19. At midnight I ................... still ................... home. (drive)
20. Every Sunday we ................... to church. (go)
21. When I ................... (wake up), the sun ................... (shine) and the birds ................... (sing).
22. Look, the sun ................... (set)
23. In summer the sun ................... about nine o'clock PM. (set)
24. While I ................... (sleep), he ................... (clean) the house and ................... (prepare)
25. What ................... you ................... yesterday at 11 AM? (do)
26. I ................... never ................... to Australia. (be)
27. ................... you already ................... your car? (wash)
28. He ................... just ................... back. (come)
29. She ................... not yet ................... doing her homework. (finish)
30. I ...................(love) her since I ................... (see) her for the first time.
31. A strange thing ................... (happen) while I ................... a letter. (write)
32. John ................... his garden every two days. (water)
33. We ................... each other for ten years. (know)
34. My grandfather ................... all those trees before the war. (plant)
35. As I ................... dishes (wash), the phone ................... (ring)
36. Be quiet, I ................... to concentrate. (try)
37. Jane ................... many books about Chinese culture. (write)
38. She ................... her first book in 1990. (write).
39. She ................... currently ................... a book about Chinese painting. (write)
40. My parents ................... married 20 years ago. (get)
41. My best friend ................... married next Saturday. (get)
42. We ................... (watch) a football match on the TV when the electricity ................... out.
43. Last night he ................... back at 2 o'clock. (come)
44. It ................... all night. (rain)
45. When I ................... (enter) the classroom, everybody ................... (write) the test.
46. I ................... (not, hear) anything he said, because I ................... about something else.
47. I ................... (call) you when I ................... (arrive) in London.
48. Since I last ................... (see) him, he ................... (lose) much weight and ...................
(grow) a beard.
49. - Somebody ................... (knock) on the door. - I ................... (open)!

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